Norfolk House

In March 1943, Frederick Morgan was appointed Chief of Staff to the Supreme Allied Commander, COSSAC (At that time no commander-in-chief had yet been appointed). Morgan and his staff were located in Norfolk House in central London. Their primary mission was to prepare and plan the allied landings of mainland France, operation Overlord, executed on June 6, 1944. In 1943, Roosevelt appointed General Dwight D. Eisenhower as commander-in-chief of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces). COSSAC was then merged into SHAEF and Eisenhower moved into Norfolk House in January 1944, which until March 1944 was SHAEF’s headquarters. In March, SHAEF moved its headquarters to Bushy Park in Teddington, southwest of London.

Current status: Preserved with memorial tablet (2014).

Address: 31 James Square, St. James, London SW1Y.

Get there: Metro to Piccadilly Circus station.

My comment:

Frederick Morgan has received little media recognition for his contribution to the invasion of Normandy. Instead, it is more well known people like Eisenhower and Montgomery who have received the medial honor.

Follow up in books: Beevor, Antony: D-Day: Battle for Normandie (2010).