Circus Krone

When the Nazi party was founded in February 1920, there was a turbulent political period with civil war as a possible scenario. To reach a larger popular mass, Hitler and other Nazi leaders held bombastic speeches in Munich. The content of the speeches lay mainly on the Treaty of Versailles and the Weimar republic which the Nazis considered to be the root of all evil and the misfortune of Germany (the Jews were included in these two things). One venue, frequently hired by the Nazis for mass meetings and speeches, was Circus Krone in central Munich. The venue had a capacity of about 6000 – 7000 people and became a central place for mass meetings during the twenties. Not scarcely these meetings was followed by clashes with Communist supporters.

In November 1944, Heinrich Himmler gave the annual speech commemorating the Nazi coup attempt in 1923 in Circus Krone. Normally, Hitler kept this memory speech, but the current war situation kept him busy with the war. Between 1933 and 1939, the speeches were held in Bürgerbräukeller and between 1940 and 1943 in Löwenbräukeller. Krone was destroyed during a bombing in December 1944 and rebuilt in 1950.

Current status: Rebuilt (2020).

Address: Marsstrasse 43, 80335 München.

Get there: Metro to Hackerbrücke Station.

My comment:

Krone was a platform and a springboard for Hitler and the Nazis. The large capacity meant that they reached a large number of listeners who should not be underestimated at a time when speeches and mass meetings were the main method of reaching out to people.

Follow up in books: Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – A Biography (2008).