Happurg – Doggerstollen

In Happurg lies a mountain called Houbirg, and there the Germans began construction on several tunnel complexes in May 1944. Here they planned to manufacture aircraft engines. The prisoners who worked in the tunnels came from a camp in Hersbruck, about five kilometres from Houbirg. However, the tunnels were never completed and no production of engines ever took place. Of the approximately 9,000 prisoners who worked with the tunnels, about 4,000 died.

Current status: Partly preserved/demolished with information board (2014).

Address: Höhenweg, 912 30 Happurg.

Get there: Car.

My comment:

Although the complex was never completed, the tunnels are still there but they are in such poor condition that the risk of collapse is imminent and therefore all entrances are walled in. Only openings for bats have been created. The entrances are not easy to find but they are located on the slope above the cafe at the end of Höhenweg. Then follow the path and turn left and after about 150 – 200 meters there is the first entrance. There are at least five entrances and at one of them there are information boards and monuments.

Follow up in books: Kogon, Eugen: The Theory and Practice of Hell: The German Concentration Camps and the System Behind Them (2006).