
It was in Karlshorst, East Berlin, that Field marshal Wilhelm Keitel, admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg and colonel-general Hans-Jürgen Stumpff signed Germany’s unconditional surrender to the Allies on May 8, 1945. Germany had already signed an unconditional surrender the day before at the headquarters of the Western allies in Reims, France, then with Alfred Jodl as the representative of Germany and Ivan Susloparov as the representative of the Soviet Union. But Stalin annulled the signature of the Soviet Union in Reims, there was a greater political and symbolic value if Germany signed the surrender in Berlin and therefore the procedure was repeated, this time in Karlshorst. This time the more famous Marshal Zhukov as the representative of the Soviet Union.

Current status: Preserved with museum (1998).

Address: Zwieseler Strasse 4/Ecke Rheinsteinstrasse, 10318 Berlin.

Get there: Metro to Tierpark Station.

My comment:

The victory over Nazi Germany is celebrated in the western world on May the 8th, while in the Soviet union it’s celebrated on May the 9th. The reason is that when the capitulation was signed in Berlin, it had already become 9th of May in Soviet Union. Since then, May 9th is a public holiday (Victory day) in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. In the western world, the V-day (8 May) is more or less unnoticed.

Follow up in books: Beever, Antony: Berlin: The Downfall 1945 (2004).