
On November 8, 1939, the Bürgerbräukeller was heavily damaged by a bombing directed against Hitler. It was at Bürgerbräukeller Hitler held a memorial speech every year commemorating the Nazi coup attempt in November 1923. However, the attempt on Hitler’s life failed because Hitler had left the Bürgerbräukeller earlier then scheduled. Bürgerbräukeller was not renovated, so between 1940 and 1943 the commemoration and speech was instead held at Löwenbräukeller. In 1944, the speech was held at the Circus Krone and it was held by Heinrich Himmler because Hitler was fully occupied with the increasingly deteriorating military situation. In December 1944, Löwenbräukeller was badly damaged during an American air raid but rebuilt after the war.

Current status: Rebuilt (2010).

Address: Nymphenburgerstrasse 2, 80335 München.

Get there: Metro to Stiglmaierplatz Station.

My comment:

The reason why the annual commemoration speech was held in Löwenbräukeller was due to its connection to the coup attempt. At the coup attempt on November 8, SA chief Ernst Röhm had gathered at the Löwenbräukeller with a large force of SA troops to support the coup. Löwenbräukeller is one of Munich’s most historical and popular beer halls and serves excellent food and beer.

Follow up in books: Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – A Biography (2008).