Oberer Kuhlberg

On the outskirts of Ulm at Oberer Kuhlberg lies an old fortress from the middle of the nineteenth century. In November 1933 and on the initiative of local nazi leader Wilhelm Murr, a prison was established in the fortress. It was mainly political opponents such as communists and social democrats who were imprisoned. At this time, the idea was that the prisoners would be released after they were reintegrated and abandoned previous ideals. The prisoners did not need slave labour and the conditions were, in comparison to later years, milder. This did not mean that the prisoners did not risk being beaten. As a result of the centralisation of the camp system, the prison was wound up in July 1935 and the remaining approximately thirty prisoners were transferred to Dachau outside Munich. During the prison’s existence, about 600 people were in the camp.

Current status: Preserved with museum (2020).

Location: 48°22' 55.09" N 09°57' 07.15" E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

The museum has limited opening hours and is only open on Sundays. But it is still possible to get an overview of the fort’s exterior from the outside which may be worth a visit if you are passing by.

Follow up in books: Kogon, Eugen: The Theory and Practice of Hell: The German Concentration Camps and the System Behind Them (2006).