Pullach im Isartal

On the southern outskirts of Munich, there is the small town Pullach im Isartal, where Martin Bormann began to build a headquarters for party officials in 1936. The head of the party office was Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess, and the headquarters was therefore called Reichssiedlung Rudolf Hess or Sonnenwinkel. Martin Bormann was Hess deputy until 1941 when he became head of the party office after Hess made his famous flight to the UK. The headquarters would consist of private residences of varying sizes for the officials and their families, as well as administrative buildings for daily work. The first employees began moving in 1938 and the entire area was completed in 1940. In 1942, a war headquarters (FHQ) for Hitler was built next to Sonnenwinkel, which was named Siegfried. Hitler visited Sonnenwinkel once in September 1938. Siegfried was never used for its purpose. At the end of the war, the remaining officials fled south. Sonnenwinkel was captured intact by the Americans in the final stages of the war.

Current status: Preserved (2018).

Location: 48°03'47.28"N 11°31'37.64"E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

The entire Reichssiedlung Rudolf Hess is 2018 part of the German Bundesnachrichtendienst (german foreign security service). It is surrounded by high walls, cameras and signs with a sharp tone informs that photography is strictly prohibited and anyone who violates this risks punishment. If the bunker that was built for Hitler is still there and in what condition, I do not know.

Follow up in books: Manvell, Roger, Fraenkel, Heinrich: Hess (1973).