Schellingstrasse 50

In 1925, the Nazi party moved its party headquarters from Cornelius Strasse to the back of Schellingstrasse 50, Munich. At the same address, Hitler’s photographer Heinrich Hoffmann also had his office. Hoffmann came into contact with Hitler in 1919 and became a member of the inner circle and close friend of Hitler. As Hitler’s personal photographer, he had exclusive rights to Hitler photos, which made him a millionaire. It was also in one of Hoffmann’s studios that Hoffmann introduced Hitler and Eva Braun to each other in October 1929. Eva worked as an assistant at Hoffmann’s studio. By 1931 this party headquarters had also become too small. New headquarter became the more impressive and much larger Barlow Palace on Briennerstrasse 45.

Current status: Preserved (2010).

Address: Schellingstrasse 50, 80799 München.

Get there: Metro to Universität Station.

My comment:

Above the entrance there are the remains of the German national eagle, but of the entrance to the headquarters in the courtyard there is nothing left.

Follow up in books: Kershaw, Ian: Hitler – A Biography (2008).