
In 1944, a number of satellite camps subordinated to Dachau were established in and around Landsberg am Lech, about fifty kilometres west of Munich. The camps were called Kaufering I-XI and their main task was to provide slave workers for the gigantic bunker complexes that was being constructed in the area. In late April 1945, the Nazis began evacuating the camps because they were threatened by the advancing american army. On April 27, prisoners from Kaufering IV were evacuated  by train to Dachau outside Munich. Just outside Schwabhausen, the train was accidentally attacked by American aircraft who mistook the train for a German military transport. In the chaos that arose, about 150 prisoners died. Some died during the air attack, others by being shot by guards when they tried to escape and some died later from the injuries they sustained. In early May 1945, those who died were buried in three mass graves placed along the railway track.

Current status: Monument (2024).

Location: 48°06'08.34"N 10°58'26.89"E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

In the summer of 1946, three grave monuments with Hebrew inscription were erected at respectively mass grave. They look the same but differs in size depending how many are buried at each grave.

Follow up in books: Kogon, Eugen: SS-Staten (1977).