
In the summer of 1940, the German ecurity Police were looking for a suitable place to set up a prison camp in the area around Oslo. The place that met the requirements was about twenty kilometres north of Oslo in Nittedal next to a small village called Åneby. Construction of the camp began in late summer 1940 and when the first 60 prisoners arrived in March 1941 it was almost completed. These were hostages taken by the Germans after the first British raid on Lofoten in March 1941 and they were used to complete the camp. The camp consisted of only six barracks and it never received any official status as a Polizeihäftlingslager. The camp existed only until June that year when the prisoners were moved to the newly established Polizeihäftlingslager Grini in Baerum closer to Oslo. Åneby was then taken over by the army (Wehrmacht) for military purposes. A total of about 180 Norwegian prisoners were in the camp

Current status: Demolished with museum (2011).

Location: 60°06'02.51" N 10°51'56.80" E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

When the camp was demolished I don’t know, and it seems that nothing remains of the camp, only a monument has been erected close to the nearby gas station.

Follow up in books: Kogon, Eugen: The Theory and Practice of Hell: The German Concentration Camps and the System Behind Them (2006).