Kristiansten Fortress

Between 1682 and 1684 King Christian V ordered a fortress to be built in Trondheim. After completion the fortress was named Kristiansten fortress. When the Germans occupied Trondheim, they set up flak on top of the fortress. The fortress was also used as a place of execution by Norwegian citizens who were sentenced to death by the Germans for their involvment in the resistance movement. Between 1942 and 1943, the fortress was used four times for executions. About 30 people were executed at these times. After the war, the Norwegian traitor and leader of the ”Rinnan band” Henry Rinnan and Trondheim’s Gestapo chief, Gerhard Flesch, were executed at the fortress in 1947 and 1948 respectively.

Current status: Preserved with monument (2017).

Address: Kristiansten festning, 7016 Trondheim.

Get there: Walk from central Trondheim.

My comment:

The foundations of the posts where the condemned were tied before they were shot are actually still there. In addition to the historical, there is also a magnificent view over Trondheim.

Follow up in books: Greene, Jack, Massignani, Alessandro: Hitler Strikes North: The Nazi Invasion of Norway & Denmark, April 9, 1940 (2013).