Oslo - Frogner

In April 1940, Hitler appointed Essen’s regional political leader (Gauleiter) Josef Terboven as reich commissioner in occupied Norway. The commissariat was the highest political authority in Norway and, as reich commissioner, Terboven had dictatorial powers and was only responsible to Hitler. Only the army and the SS were independent from Terboven. In June 1940, Terboven took over the royal residence Skaugum in the municipality of Asker, about thirty kilometres southwest of Oslo. Terboven lived here until the end of the war, and it was here that he committed suicide May 8, 1945. But Terboven also had luxurious villa in Oslo in the district of Frogner. This villa became his second home after Skaugum. He also had a timber cottage in the district of Hoevik.

Current status: Preserved (2023).

Address: Kristinelundveien 4, 0268 Oslo.

Get there: Car.

My comment:

The villa is 2023 the embassy of the Chinese republic.

Follow up in books: Greene, Jack, Massignani, Alessandro: Hitler Strikes North: The Nazi Invasion of Norway & Denmark, April 9, 1940 (2013).