Oslo - Hoevik

In the southwest of Oslo in a district called Hoevik, the German reich commissioner, Josef Terboven, had a timbered summer cottage. The cabin had been built by a general of the German air force stationed at the nearby Fornebu airport. However, when Germany attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941, the general was transferred to Finland. The cottage was then taken over by Terboven who came to use it as a holiday home. Below the cottage were two sailboats moored which Terboven had requisitioned from Norwegian crown prince Olav. After the war, the cottage was taken over by the state and rented out to Norwegian officers. In 1947, the cottage was bought by a private person who, however, thought the weather by the water was to harsh. He had it moved in its entirety to Vettakollen in northern Oslo, where he also added a second floor.

Current status: Demolished (2023).

Location: 59°53' 31.48" N 10°34' 40.26" E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

The foundation of the cottage remains and is located along the waterfront. The location is easy to find because a walking path goes straight through the cottage. The foundations also make it easy to distinguish the size and layout of the cottage.

Follow up in books: Greene, Jack, Massignani, Alessandro: Hitler Strikes North: The Nazi Invasion of Norway & Denmark, April 9, 1940 (2013).