Trandum Forest

North of Oslo, in Ullensaker municipality lies Trandum Forest. During the war, the Germans used the forest as a place of execution for people sentenced to death. The mass graves were discovered in May 1945 and consisted of just under 20 graves with two or more bodies. A total of 194 bodies were found (173 Norwegians, 15 Russians and 6 Britons). The bodies were taken to Oslo where they were autopsied, identified and reburied.

Current status: Monument (2009).

Location: 60° 13' 7.9" N, 11° 7' 1" E

Get there: Car.

My comment:

Each grave is marked with a cross and a number. Just outside the forest is the main monument itself and a memorial plaque with the names of those murdered in the Trandum forest and the number of the grave they were found in.

Follow up in books: Greene, Jack, Massignani, Alessandro: Hitler Strikes North: The Nazi Invasion of Norway & Denmark, April 9, 1940 (2013).