In connection with the German occupation of Poland a merciless and brutal hunt for educated polish citizens followed. From a german perspective educated poles was a potential threat to german supremacy. Therefore, a hunt for journalists, teachers, police officers, officers, officers, priests etc. began. When hunted down, they were imprisoned and taken to a forest and shot and buried. Such a prison was in a house on Nowa 9 in Puck, from there the prisoners were taken to Piasnica forest, about ten kilometres westward, and shot.
Current status: Preserved with memorial tablet (2016).
Address: Nowa 8, 84-100 Puck.
Get there: Car.
Follow up in books: Lukas, Richard C: Forgotten Holocaust: The Poles Under German Occupation 1939-1944 (2008).
The house is now a residential building with a little memorial tablet on the facade.