On October 3, 1940, a British bomber dropped three bombs over the Castle park in Malmoe. The bomber was on its way to participate in a bombing raid against Stettin (polish Szczecin) when the bombs were dropped on Malmoe. The bombs caused relatively minor damage and no people were injured, but a large bomb crater was formed next to a large dam. The exact reasons for the bombs being dropped seem unclear. Malmoe is far from Stettin so error navigation can’t be the reason. One explanation may be that the bombardier wanted to make the plane lighter by dropping bombs. Initially, the British denied any responsibility but later came to admit.
Current status: Monument (2021).
Location: 55°36'02.65" N, 12°59'20.58" E
Get there: Bus.
Follow up in books: Gilmour, John: Sweden, the Swastika and Stalin - The Swedish Experience in the Second World War (2011).
The crater is long gone, but next to the dam there is a small tablet on the ground.